Monday, September 8, 2008

New Backround

Ok, I have no clue what I am doing on here.. I see soo many of you have cute backrounds that are not the regular templates.. Can anybody inform me how to get a different backround??


Mrs. F said...

Francesca knows the name of the site that will teach you how to do it, but lately I have been seeing a lot of people put templates from on their blogs. You just have to save everything in your sidebar first, because it may erase those things...I think they explain it on there.

The Bjurstrom Family said...

thanks Mrs F.!!! Meghan you can check out and they have tons of backgrounds to choose from. It will tell you what do do from there. You can also use digital scrapbook paper and upload it to photobucket and get an html code and insert it in the html coding for you blog. that probably makes no sense, but if you want help give me a call:)